Science + wisdom for families looking to thrive

Flourish Masterclass

Flourishing is all about thriving emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. In this masterclass, we take an expert deep dive into the science of stress and the mindfulness practices parents can use in their daily lives that support calmness, clarity, and resilience.

Sign up for this workshop
Flourish Masterclass
Deep Dive Family Wellness

What You'll Get


Understand the science behind stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, and the evidence-based strategies for flourishing


Learn simple tricks, tips, and hacks for reducing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, and showing up as the best version of you


Discover how your own values and health goals fit into evidence-based approaches to mental, emotional, and spiritual flourishing

Masterclass details

Transform Your Family's Thrive Journey

This workshop is designed for parents who want to care for their own mental, emotional, and spiritual health so that they can care more effectively for their family. Take an expert deep dive into the science and practice of nurturing parents’ mind, heart, and spirit.

By the time you complete our Flourish Masterclass, you’ll be able to:

  • Clearly understand how your mind works and new ways you, as a parent, can care for it.
  • Relate to your heart (emotions) in new ways that will connect you more deeply to your partner and your kids.
  • Deepen your connection to your inner wisdom, essence, or spirit.
  • Meet new people. All parents in this course are as motivated as you are to explore how nurturing their mind, heart, and spirit can help their families flourish. And we need each other especially as we swim against the stream of our larger social environment that stresses and frazzles our mind and disconnects us from our heart and spirit.
  • Get results. As you dive into the course content and meet the community here, you'll be connecting deeper with what thriving means to you and your family. It's not necessarily easy; but thriving together matters.

Week 1: An Introduction to Family Flourishing

  • Lesson 1.1 What is Flourishing?
  • Lesson 1.2 What Keeps Us From Flourishing?

Week 2: How the Heart, Mind, and Spirit Work

  • Lesson 2.1 How Our Minds Work
  • Lesson 2.2 How Stress Works in Our Hearts, Minds, and Spirit
  • Lesson 2.3 How Emotions Are at the Root of Stress
  • Lesson 2.4 How Thoughts Make us Stressed and Out of Control

Week 3: How Mindfulness Leads to Flourishing

  • Lesson 3.1 What a Flourishing Heart, Mind, and Spirit Looks Like
  • Lesson 3.2 How Mindfulness Helps Us De-stress and Flourish
  • Lesson 3.3 Choosing to Flourish

Week 4: Everyday Flourishing as a Parent

  • Lesson 4.1 How to Flourish in Your Daily Life
  • Lesson 4.2 Who's Doing Good Work Around Flourishing
  • Lesson 4.3 Getting Into Your Zone